A Leading Lady
Parramatta Local Awards Night Earlier this month the 2015 Parramatta Local Business Awards were held at the Parramatta Leagues Club. The evening began at 7.00pm wHere guests including finalists were arriving one by one to the venue. The function was held at the Club’s Auditorium located on the third level. As guests arrived to the Parramatta Leagues Club they were asked to have their picture taken by the Media Wall before taking a seat at their designated table. The auditorium was glamorously decorated and the tables were beautifully laid out. The auditorium quickly filled up with guests happily chatting away at their tables waiting for the night to begin.
Lena Kasparian with her children.
The night began with live entertainment and the introduction of the Media Partners, Sponsors and Organisers of the night. Followed by the first half of the Award Presentations. Lena Kasparian and her team were present on the night as The Boutique and Design/Sales Team were finalist in 4 categories; The Outstanding Youth Award, The Outstanding Women’s Fashion Retail, The Business Person of the Year and The Business of the Year Award
Lena Kasparian Outstanding Business Person of the Year Finalist Certificate.
Valeria Sanchez Outstanding Youth Award Finalist Certificate.
Once the first half of the Award Presentations concluded there was a short break including, live entertainment and a great opportunity to take more photographs by the Media Wall. Shortly after, began the second half of the Award Presentations. When it came to the announcement of the Outstanding Women’s Fashion Retail Award the nerves kicking in and the drum roll began, as Lena Kasparian was a nominee for the category. And Yes! The Winner is… Lena Kasparian. The nerves quickly turned into excitement as the applause echoed and cheers were herd after Lena Kasparian was announced as the 2015 Winner of the Outstanding Women’s Fashion Retail Award. Business Owner Lena Kasparian gracefully made her way on stage to accept the award and gave lovely speech saying, “I decided to open my first boutique and I chose Parramatta … Parramatta is the heart of Sydney.”
Lena Kasparian accepting her award on stage.
Lena Kasparian with her trophy.
Photos by Event Pix